There is no better tool to achieve a common team leadership mindset than time spent on development. Leadership Team Upgrade is a joint multi-phase program designed to develop leadership skills, develop a team mindset and change that the management team is currently experiencing.
Based on 3 pillars
- Establishing a strong team bond in which no one is excluded from the group.
- Creating a long-term relationship between members of the management team without any barriers to communication.
- Developing the skills needed for implementation of sustainable change in quality of leadership.
Development is phased into 8 days within 4 months
- Who am I?
- What is management.
- How to organize self.
- How to organize others.
- How to communicate and react in tricky situations.
- What is happening with the team during change.
- How to reflect.
- Team´s planning and development
Target group
Top management, Mid management, 1st line management, Talent management poolPrice